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Login Redesign


Amazon (University Project)



This case study was created to improve my learning experience through the data collected for the purpose of my MSc dissertation. 

Why re-design the login page?

For my master's dissertation, I conducted a survey to understand the reasons why generation Z have trust issues while using apps which use cloud computing. One out of the many reasons was that generation Z is uninformed of how the corporation utilizes their data, owing to their failure to read the data and privacy agreements. 

I decided to do further research to find out why generation Z skips reading the data and privacy agreements. The result of the research was that they skip reading the data and privacy agreements as they find it lengthy and boring.

The interviews and surveys were conducted among students and working professionals, who despite being educated found it difficult to understand as most apps do not explain the points in simple language. 


In a survey which was conducted on approx. 70 people, both the millennials and generation Z, one of the questions was to know if they read the policies before signing up. 

The objective of this question was to identify how many of them really read and understood the terms and conditions pertaining to data sharing and storage in the Cloud. As per the collected data, more than 65% of Generation Z participants have never read a privacy policy before signing up for an application or software, whereas 69% of millennials said that they read the privacy policy before signing up.  This is an interesting comparison. 


Millennials invested more time in knowing what type of service they would be provided with whereas generation Z is in a hurry and tries to skip it. The reasons for doing the same was collected during the interview to have more meaningful insight and the data showed that many chose to skip reading the terms and conditions on sign up as they are lengthy and not interesting enough to go through. 


A total of 6 participants in the age group of 18 to 24 were interviewed to understand their views on the cloud computing features and issues they face if any. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data collected from the interview. 

Some key insights from the interview- 

  • It was seen that majority did not read the privacy policy and hence have less or no idea about the security and privacy features they are provided with. 

  • Most of the participants considered it boring and lengthy. 

  • Participants agreed that the policies they skip reading might contain useful information. 

  • Most of them said that they might consider reading only the parts which they find is important if only it was easy to read. 

My goals for the redesign: 

  • To display the T&C and the policies in a simple user interface so that the user can read it at glance, or just go through the points which the user thinks are necessary. 

  • Propose a more engaging and seamless reading experience.



I thoroughly examined the UI of Amazon’s sign-up page for paper wireframes. Following these observations, I sketched out every possible arrangement before settling on the one that worked best. This enabled me to test a solution before creating the high-fidelity designs. 

Low- Fidelity Prototype

High- Fidelity Prototype

Usability Testing

A/B test was conducted with 6 people of gen-z. They were presented with both the versions of the login, improved and the current one.

While performing the task, each person was observed, and the result was- 

  1.  While using the current version of the app, no one clicked on the conditions of Use & Sale, Privacy notice, cookie notice, etc and continued to enter their login details.

  2. After presenting them the redesigned version, 4 out of 6 people clicked on the tabs to check what is there in it. Where 3 out of 4 people clicked on the privacy tab first, which shows that the people cared about the privacy. 

A/B Testing


Redesigning the sign-in page and working on this case study reminded me that users are at the heart of every design decision, and that even the tiniest changes, such as adjusting the position of an element, may have a significant impact. I learnt how to figure out what works and what doesn't, and how to put what I've learned into practice. 

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